view contrib/ @ 8355:ad3a6f069498 quic

Added proper handling of connection close phases. There are following flags in quic connection: closing - true, when a connection close is initiated, for whatever reason draining - true, when a CC frame is received from peer The following state machine is used for closing: +------------------+ | I/HS/AD | +------------------+ | | | | | V | | immediate close initiated: | | reasons: close by top-level protocol, fatal error | | + sends CC (probably with app-level message) | | + starts close_timer: 3 * PTO (current probe timeout) | | | | | V | | +---------+ - Reply to input with CC (rate-limited) | | | CLOSING | - Close/Reset all streams | | +---------+ | | | | | V V | | receives CC | | | | idle | | timer | | | V | | +----------+ | - MUST NOT send anything (MAY send a single CC) | | DRAINING | | - if not already started, starts close_timer: 3 * PTO | +----------+ | - if not already done, close all streams | | | | | | | close_timer fires | | V V +------------------------+ | CLOSED | - clean up all the resources, drop connection +------------------------+ state completely The ngx_quic_close_connection() function gets an "rc" argument, that signals reason of connection closing: NGX_OK - initiated by application (i.e. http/3), follow state machine NGX_DONE - timedout (while idle or draining) NGX_ERROR - fatal error, destroy connection immediately The PTO calculations are not yet implemented, hardcoded value of 5s is used.
author Vladimir Homutov <>
date Thu, 23 Apr 2020 13:41:08 +0300
parents c9ad0d9c7d59
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# (c) Andrei Nigmatulin, 2005
# this script provided "as is", without any warranties. use it at your own risk.
# special thanx to Andrew Sitnikov for perl port
# this script converts CSV geoip database (free download at
# to format, suitable for use with nginx_http_geo module (
# for example, line with ip range
#   "","","1041253376","1041268735","RU","Russian Federation"
# will be converted to four subnetworks:
# RU;
# RU;
# RU;
# RU;

use warnings;
use strict;

while( <STDIN> ){
	if (/"[^"]+","[^"]+","([^"]+)","([^"]+)","([^"]+)"/){
		print_subnets($1, $2, $3);

sub  print_subnets {
	my ($a1, $a2, $c) = @_;
	my $l;
    while ($a1 <= $a2) {
		for ($l = 0; ($a1 & (1 << $l)) == 0 && ($a1 + ((1 << ($l + 1)) - 1)) <= $a2; $l++){};
		print long2ip($a1) . "/" . (32 - $l) . " " . $c . ";\n";
    	$a1 += (1 << $l);

sub long2ip {
	my $ip = shift;

	my $str = 0;

	$str = ($ip & 255);

	$ip >>= 8;
	$str = ($ip & 255).".$str";

	$ip >>= 8;
	$str = ($ip & 255).".$str";

	$ip >>= 8;
	$str = ($ip & 255).".$str";