view conf/koi-win @ 6553:2014ed60f17f

SSL: support for multiple curves (ticket #885). OpenSSL 1.0.2+ allows configuring a curve list instead of a single curve previously supported. This allows use of different curves depending on what client supports (as available via the elliptic_curves extension), and also allows use of different curves in an ECDHE key exchange and in the ECDSA certificate. The special value "auto" was introduced (now the default for ssl_ecdh_curve), which means "use an internal list of curves as available in the OpenSSL library used". For versions prior to OpenSSL 1.0.2 it maps to "prime256v1" as previously used. The default in 1.0.2b+ prefers prime256v1 as well (and X25519 in OpenSSL 1.1.0+). As client vs. server preference of curves is controlled by the same option as used for ciphers (SSL_OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE), the ssl_prefer_server_ciphers directive now controls both.
author Maxim Dounin <>
date Thu, 19 May 2016 14:46:32 +0300
parents 400711951595
line wrap: on
line source

charset_map  koi8-r  windows-1251 {

    80  88 ; # euro

    95  95 ; # bullet

    9A  A0 ; # &nbsp;

    9E  B7 ; # &middot;

    A3  B8 ; # small yo
    A4  BA ; # small Ukrainian ye

    A6  B3 ; # small Ukrainian i
    A7  BF ; # small Ukrainian yi

    AD  B4 ; # small Ukrainian soft g
    AE  A2 ; # small Byelorussian short u

    B0  B0 ; # &deg;

    B3  A8 ; # capital YO
    B4  AA ; # capital Ukrainian YE

    B6  B2 ; # capital Ukrainian I
    B7  AF ; # capital Ukrainian YI

    B9  B9 ; # numero sign

    BD  A5 ; # capital Ukrainian soft G
    BE  A1 ; # capital Byelorussian short U

    BF  A9 ; # (C)

    C0  FE ; # small yu
    C1  E0 ; # small a
    C2  E1 ; # small b
    C3  F6 ; # small ts
    C4  E4 ; # small d
    C5  E5 ; # small ye
    C6  F4 ; # small f
    C7  E3 ; # small g
    C8  F5 ; # small kh
    C9  E8 ; # small i
    CA  E9 ; # small j
    CB  EA ; # small k
    CC  EB ; # small l
    CD  EC ; # small m
    CE  ED ; # small n
    CF  EE ; # small o

    D0  EF ; # small p
    D1  FF ; # small ya
    D2  F0 ; # small r
    D3  F1 ; # small s
    D4  F2 ; # small t
    D5  F3 ; # small u
    D6  E6 ; # small zh
    D7  E2 ; # small v
    D8  FC ; # small soft sign
    D9  FB ; # small y
    DA  E7 ; # small z
    DB  F8 ; # small sh
    DC  FD ; # small e
    DD  F9 ; # small shch
    DE  F7 ; # small ch
    DF  FA ; # small hard sign

    E0  DE ; # capital YU
    E1  C0 ; # capital A
    E2  C1 ; # capital B
    E3  D6 ; # capital TS
    E4  C4 ; # capital D
    E5  C5 ; # capital YE
    E6  D4 ; # capital F
    E7  C3 ; # capital G
    E8  D5 ; # capital KH
    E9  C8 ; # capital I
    EA  C9 ; # capital J
    EB  CA ; # capital K
    EC  CB ; # capital L
    ED  CC ; # capital M
    EE  CD ; # capital N
    EF  CE ; # capital O

    F0  CF ; # capital P
    F1  DF ; # capital YA
    F2  D0 ; # capital R
    F3  D1 ; # capital S
    F4  D2 ; # capital T
    F5  D3 ; # capital U
    F6  C6 ; # capital ZH
    F7  C2 ; # capital V
    F8  DC ; # capital soft sign
    F9  DB ; # capital Y
    FA  C7 ; # capital Z
    FB  D8 ; # capital SH
    FC  DD ; # capital E
    FD  D9 ; # capital SHCH
    FE  D7 ; # capital CH
    FF  DA ; # capital hard sign