view xslt/style.xslt @ 2846:fdf1464e1977

Moved banner to the external file to make partial rollout possible. An idea is to have several banners and show them with different probability specified by split directive in the nginx.conf
author Sergey Budnevitch <>
date Tue, 10 May 2022 18:07:27 +0400
parents 086e307d8b28
children 91a2ee74ca72
line wrap: on
line source

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  Copyright (C) Igor Sysoev
  Copyright (C) Nginx, Inc.

<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0">

<xsl:template name="style"><xsl:param name="lang"/>

    <style type="text/css"><xsl:value-of select=" normalize-space('
        body              { background:     white;
                            color:          black;
                            font-family:    sans-serif;
                            line-height:    1.4em;
                            text-align:     center;
                            margin:         0;
                            padding:        0; }
        #banner           { background:     black;
                            color:          #F2F2F2;
                            line-height:    1.2em;
                            padding:        .3em 0;
                            box-shadow:     0 5px 10px black; }
        #banner a         { color:          #00B140; }
        #main             { text-align:     left;
                            margin:         0 auto;
                            min-width:      32em;
                            max-width:      64em; }
        #menu             { float:          right;
                            width:          11em;
                            padding:        0 .5em 1em .5em;
                            border-left:    2px solid #DDD; }
        #content          { margin-right:   13.5em;
                            padding:        0 .2em 0 1.5em; }
        h1                { display:        block;
                            font-size:      3em;
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                            height:         .7em;
                            margin:         0;
                            margin-bottom:  .5em; }
        h1 img            { width:          100%; }
        h2                { text-align:     center; }
        p                 { text-align:     justify; } p      { margin-top:     0; } td     { vertical-align: baseline; } .date  { text-align:     right;
                            padding-right:  0.5em;
                            white-space:    nowrap; }
        table.donors td   { vertical-align: baseline; }
        table.donors li   { text-align:     left; }
        div.directive     { background:     #F2F2F2;
                            line-height:    1em;
                            margin:         1em 0 1em -1em;
                            padding:        .7em .7em .7em 1em;
                            border-top:     2px solid #DDD; }
        div.directive th  { padding-left:   0;
                            padding-right:  .5em;
                            vertical-align: baseline;
                            text-align:     left;
                            font-weight:    normal; }
        div.directive td  { vertical-align: baseline; }
        div.directive pre { padding:        0;
                            margin:         0; }
        div.directive p   { margin:         .5em 0 0 .1em;
                            font-size:      .8em; }
        a.notrans         { color:          gray;
                            text-decoration:none; }
        span.initial      { font-size:      200%;
                            float:          left;
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                            padding:        0 .5em; }
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                            padding-left:   1px;
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        td.list           { background:     #F2F2F2; }
        blockquote        { margin:         1em 0 1em 1em;
                            padding:        .5em; }
        li blockquote, dd blockquote
                          { margin:         .7em 0; }
        blockquote.note   { border:         1px dotted #999;
                            line-height:    1.2em;
                            text-align:     justify; }
        blockquote.example {
                            line-height:    1em;
                            border-left:    1px solid #BBB; }
        blockquote.example pre {
                            padding:        0;
                            margin:         0; }
        sup               { font-size:      50%; }
        .video            { position: relative;
                            padding-bottom: 56.25%;
                            overflow: hidden; }
        .video iframe,
        .video object,
        .video embed      { position: absolute;
                            height:100%; }
        ') "/>

    <xsl:if test="$lang = 'he'">
        <xsl:value-of select=" normalize-space('
        pre               { text-align:     left;
                            direction:      ltr; }
        code              { direction:      ltr;
                            unicode-bidi:   embed; }
        .ltr              { direction:      ltr;
                            unicode-bidi:   embed; }
        ') "/>

    <xsl:if test="$lang = 'cn'">
        <xsl:value-of select=" normalize-space('
        p                 { text-align:     left; }
        li                { text-align:     left; }
        dd                { text-align:     left; }
        blockquote.note   { text-align:     left; }
        ') "/>

