view xml/en/docs/njs/examples.xml @ 2485:fa00f12061cd

Added news about njs-0.3.8.
author Yaroslav Zhuravlev <>
date Tue, 21 Jan 2020 17:08:12 +0000
parents b60e5be733cd
children ba9bfd064a61
line wrap: on
line source

<?xml version="1.0"?>

  Copyright (C) Nginx, Inc.

<!DOCTYPE article SYSTEM "../../../../dtd/article.dtd">

<article name="Examples"

<section id="helloword" name="Hello World">

load_module modules/;

events {}

http {
    js_include hello_world.js;

    server {
        listen 8000;

        location / {
            js_content hello;


function hello(r) {
    r.return(200, "Hello world!");


<section id="urldecode" name="URL Decoding">

js_include urldecode.js;

js_set $decoded_foo decoded_foo;

function decoded_foo(r) {
    return decodeURIComponent(;


<section id="urlencode" name="URL Encoding">

js_include urlencode.js;

js_set $encoded_foo encoded_foo;

location / {

function encoded_foo(r) {
    return encodeURIComponent('foo &amp; bar?');


<section id="redirect" name="Internal Redirect">

js_include redirect.js;

location /redirect {
    js_content redirect;

location @named {
    return 200 named;

function redirect(r) {


<section id="fast_response" name="Returning Fastest Response from Proxy">

js_include fastresponse.js;

location /start {
    js_content content;

location /foo {
    proxy_pass http://backend1;

location /bar {
    proxy_pass http://backend2;

function content(r) {
    var n = 0;

    function done(res) {
        if (n++ == 0) {
            r.return(res.status, res.responseBody);

    r.subrequest('/foo', r.variables.args, done);
    r.subrequest('/bar', r.variables.args, done);


<section id="jwt" name="Creating HS JWT">

js_include hs_jwt.js;

js_set $jwt jwt;

function create_hs256_jwt(claims, key, valid) {
    var header = { "typ" : "JWT", "alg" : "HS256", "exp" : Math.floor( + valid };

    var s = JSON.stringify(header).toBytes().toString('base64url') + '.'
            + JSON.stringify(claims).toBytes().toString('base64url');

    var h = require('crypto').createHmac('sha256', key);

    return s + '.' + h.update(s).digest().toString('base64url');

function jwt(r) {
    var claims = {
        "iss" : "nginx",
        "sub" : "alice",
        "foo" : 123,
        "bar" : "qq",
        "zyx" : false

    return create_hs256_jwt(claims, 'foo', 600);


<section id="subrequest" name="Accessing API from a Subrequest">

js_include subrequest.js;

keyval_zone zone=foo:10m;

location /keyval {
    js_content set_keyval;

location /version {
    js_content version;

location /api {
    api write=on;

function set_keyval(r) {
        { method: 'POST',
          body: JSON.stringify({ foo: 789, bar: "ss dd 00" })},

        function(res) {
            if (res.status >= 300) {
                r.return(res.status, res.responseBody);

function version(r) {
    r.subrequest('/api/5/nginx', { method: 'GET' }, function(res) {
        if (res.status != 200) {

        var json = JSON.parse(res.responseBody);
        r.return(200, json.version);


<section id="secure_link" name="Creating secure_link Hash">

js_include hash.js;

js_set $new_foo create_secure_link;

location / {
    secure_link $cookie_foo;
    secure_link_md5 "$uri mykey";

location @login {
    add_header Set-Cookie "foo=$new_foo; Max-Age=60";
    return 302 /;

function create_secure_link(r) {
    return require('crypto').createHash('md5')
                            .update(r.uri).update(" mykey")


<section id="requests" name="Logging the Number of Requests Per Client">

js_include js_requests.js;

js_set $num_requests num_requests;

keyval_zone zone=foo:10m;

keyval $remote_addr $foo zone=foo;

log_format bar '$remote_addr [$time_local] $num_requests';
access_log logs/access.log bar;

server {
    listen 8000;

    location / {
        root html;

function num_requests(r)
    var n =;
    n = n ? Number(n) + 1 : 1; = n;
    return n;
The <link doc="../http/ngx_http_keyval_module.xml" id="keyval"/> and
<link doc="../http/ngx_http_keyval_module.xml" id="keyval_zone"/> directives
are available as part of our
<commercial_version>commercial subscription</commercial_version>.


<section id="promisified_subrequest" name="Promisified Subrequest">

The example works since
<link doc="changes.xml" id="njs0.3.8">0.3.8</link>.
js_include promisified_subrequest.js;

location /start {
    js_content content;

location /auth {
    proxy_pass http://auth_backend;

location /backend {
    proxy_pass http://backend;

function content(r) {
   r.subrequest(r, '/auth')
   .then(reply => JSON.parse(reply.responseBody))
   .then(response => {
       if (!response['token']) {
           throw new Error("token is not available");
       return token;
  .then(token => {
      r.subrequest('/backend', `token=${token}`)
      .then(reply => r.return(reply.status, reply.responseBody));
  .catch(_ => r.return(500));

