view xsls/books.xsls @ 107:ee725af08951

Two unrelated changes were erroneously committed simultaneously: - Making the rest of HTML valid. - Updating the "Converting rewrite rules" howto examples to utilize the new power of the "return" directive.
author Ruslan Ermilov <>
date Wed, 19 Oct 2011 12:39:11 +0000
parents 61e04fc01027
children f31230984540
line wrap: on
line source

X:stylesheet {

X:output method="html" indent="no" encoding="utf-8"
    doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN";

X:strip-space elements = "*";

  -- a current directory of a XSLT script is where the script is stored,
  -- but not where XSLT processor has been started to run the script
X:param XML = "'../xml'";
X:param YEAR;

X:var LINK = "/article/@link";

X:include href = "dirname.xslt";
X:include href = "link.xslt";
X:include href = "style.xslt";
X:include href = "body.xslt";
X:include href = "menu.xslt";
X:include href = "content.xslt";

X:template = "/article" {

    <title> !{@title} </title>

    !style ()


    !body (lang="/article/@lang")


X:template = "book" {


    <td bgcolor="#EEEEEE">
    <a href="{@link}">
    <img src="{@cover}" alt="" style="padding: 2pt;" border="0"/>

    X:text {title: } <a href="{@link}">!{@title}</a> <br/>
    X:text {author: }
    X:if "@site" { <a href="{@site}">!{@author}</a> } else { !{@author} } <br/>
    X:if "@translator" { X:text {translator: } !{@translator} <br/> }
    X:if "@publisher" { X:text {publisher: } !{@publisher} <br/> }
    X:text {language: } !{@lang}

