view dtd/content.dtd @ 76:4a4caa566120

Russian documentation import. Changes in module.dtd: <example> now allowed to contain <value> and <emphasis> elements (we need this to show important parts in examples), less strict checking of <directive> syntax (we don't want to fully document some directives, notably deprecated ones). Known issues: 1. <syntax> elements are preserved as is, they will require manual conversion (likely to some not-yet-existed format a la DocBook cmdsynopsis, as currently used one seems to be incomplete); 2. <value> no longer corresponds to replaceable content, and it's use in examples isn't correct; 3. <link doc="document#fragment"> doesn't work with current xslt, either should be supported or changed to <link doc="document" id="fragment">. The following files are intentionally omitted: maillists.xml (support.xml should be used instead), experimental.xml (obsolete), faq.xml (conflicts with existing one, needs discussion). Not yet linked to site.
author Maxim Dounin <>
date Tue, 11 Oct 2011 12:57:50 +0000
parents 2bf4cd2787c5
children 3179774f938e
line wrap: on
line source

<!ELEMENT  section      (para | list | book | download | security | note |
                         programlisting)* >
<!ATTLIST  section
           name         CDATA #IMPLIED
           title        CDATA #IMPLIED
           id           ID #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT  para         (#PCDATA | a | link | br | list | orderedlist | note |
                         i | b | nobr | table | url | code | command |
                         dirname | path | header | value | programlisting |
                         initial | development_version | stable_version )* >

<!ELEMENT  a            (#PCDATA) >
           href         CDATA #REQUIRED

<!ELEMENT  link         (#PCDATA) >
<!ATTLIST  link
           doc          CDATA #IMPLIED
           id           CDATA #IMPLIED
           url          CDATA #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT  br           EMPTY >

<!ELEMENT  i            (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT  b            (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT  command      (#PCDATA | value)* >
<!ELEMENT  dirname      (#PCDATA | i)* >
<!ELEMENT  path         (#PCDATA | development_version | stable_version)* >
<!ELEMENT  code         (#PCDATA | i)* >
<!ELEMENT  header       (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT  initial      (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT  url          (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT  value        (#PCDATA) >

<!ELEMENT  programlisting  (#PCDATA | i | b | dirname | path |
                            development_version | stable_version)* >

<!ELEMENT  nobr         (#PCDATA | i | b | command | dirname | path)* >

<!ELEMENT  list         (item+ | listitem+) >
<!ELEMENT  orderedlist  (item+) >
<!ELEMENT  item         (#PCDATA | para | a | br | nobr | list | i | b | url |
                         dirname | path | command | value | programlisting)* >
<!ELEMENT  listitem     (#PCDATA | para | a | br | nobr | list | i | b | url |
                         dirname | path | command | value | programlisting)* >

<!ELEMENT  note         (#PCDATA | para | a | br | list | orderedlist | i | b |
                         nobr | table | url | code | command | dirname | path |
                         header | programlisting | initial | paypal |
                         development_version | stable_version )* >

<!ELEMENT  table        (tr+) >
<!ATTLIST  table
           note         CDATA #IMPLIED
           width        CDATA #IMPLIED
<!ELEMENT  tr           (td+) >
<!ELEMENT  td           (#PCDATA | code | i)* >
           width        CDATA #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT  paypal       EMPTY >

<!ELEMENT  development_version  EMPTY >
<!ELEMENT  stable_version       EMPTY >

<!ELEMENT  book         EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST  book
           title        CDATA #REQUIRED
           link         CDATA #REQUIRED
           author       CDATA #REQUIRED
           site         CDATA #REQUIRED
           publisher    CDATA #REQUIRED
           lang         CDATA #REQUIRED
           cover        CDATA #REQUIRED
           translator   CDATA #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT  download     (item+) >
<!ATTLIST  download
           last         CDATA #REQUIRED
           changes      CDATA #REQUIRED

<!ATTLIST  item
           ver          CDATA #IMPLIED
           pgp          CDATA #IMPLIED
           win          CDATA #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT  security     (item+) >

<!ATTLIST  item
           title        CDATA #IMPLIED
           severity     CDATA #IMPLIED
           cve          CDATA #IMPLIED
           good         CDATA #IMPLIED
           vulnerable   CDATA #IMPLIED
           patch        CDATA #IMPLIED
           core         CDATA #IMPLIED
           href         CDATA #IMPLIED
           cert         CDATA #IMPLIED

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<!ENTITY   rsquo        "&#8217;">
<!ENTITY   ldquo        "&#8220;">
<!ENTITY   rdquo        "&#8221;">

<!ENTITY   mdash        "&#xA0;&#8212; " >