view xsls/news.xsls @ 2769:16f6fa718be2

Updated TLSv1.3 support notes. Previous notes described some early development snapshot of OpenSSL 1.1.1 with disabled TLSv1.3 by default. It was then enabled in the first alpha. Further, the updated text covers later major releases such as OpenSSL 3.0.
author Sergey Kandaurov <>
date Thu, 30 Sep 2021 16:29:20 +0300
parents cd0d1f0130db
children fdf1464e1977
line wrap: on
line source

  Copyright (C) Igor Sysoev
  Copyright (C) Nginx, Inc.

X:stylesheet {

X:output method="html" version="4.0" indent="no" encoding="utf-8";

X:strip-space elements = "*";

  -- a current directory of a XSLT script is where the script is stored,
  -- but not where XSLT processor has been started to run the script
X:param XML = "'../xml'";
X:param YEAR;
X:param ORIGIN;
X:param TRANS;

X:var SITE = "''";
X:var LINK = "/news/@link";
X:var LANG = "/news/@lang";

X:include href = "dirname.xslt";
X:include href = "link.xslt";
X:include href = "style.xslt";
X:include href = "body.xslt";
X:include href = "menu.xslt";
X:include href = "ga.xslt";
X:include href = "content.xslt";

X:template = "/news" {

    <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml"
          title="{@name}" href="{$SITE}/index.rss" />

    <title> !{@name} X:if "$YEAR" { X:text{: } !{$YEAR} } </title>

    !style (lang="@lang")

    !ga ()


    !body (lang="@lang")


X:template = "event" {

    X:var year = { !{substring(../event[position()=1]/@date, 1, 4)} }
    X:var y = { !{substring(@date, 1, 4)} }

    X:if "position() = 1" {
        X:text disable-output-escaping="yes" {
            &lt;table class="news"&gt;

    X:if "(not($YEAR) and ($year = $y or position() &lt; 11)) or $YEAR=$y" {
        <td class="date">
            <a name="{@date}" /> !{@date}
        <td> !! "para"; </td>

    X:if "position() = last()" {
        X:text disable-output-escaping="yes" {
