view xml/en/docs/stream/ngx_stream_module.xml @ 1393:15e8779f0ceb

Documented the $upstream_header_time variable.
author Ruslan Ermilov <>
date Mon, 19 Jan 2015 15:24:15 +0300
parents f1e14d87d833
children 66f227952864
line wrap: on
line source

<?xml version="1.0"?>

  Copyright (C) 2014 Yaroslav Zhuravlev
  Copyright (C) Nginx, Inc.

<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "../../../../dtd/module.dtd">

<module name="Module ngx_stream_module"

<section id="summary">

The <literal>stream</literal> module (1.7.7) provides
proxying TCP and UNIX-domain socket connections.

This module is available as part of our
<commercial_version>commercial subscription</commercial_version>.


<section id="example" name="Example Configuration">

stream {
    upstream backend {

    server {
        listen 9000;
        proxy_connect_timeout 1s;
        proxy_timeout 3s;
        proxy_pass backend;
In this example, a server that listens on port 9000
<link doc="ngx_stream_module.xml" id="proxy_pass">proxies</link>
TCP connections to a group of servers named <literal>backend</literal>.
Note that the <link doc="ngx_stream_module.xml" id="proxy_pass"/>
directive defined the context of the <literal>stream</literal> module
must not contain a protocol.
Two optional timeout parameters are specified:
the <link doc="ngx_stream_module.xml" id="proxy_connect_timeout"/> sets
a timeout required for establishing a connection with a server
that belongs to the <literal>backend</literal> group, while the
<link doc="ngx_stream_module.xml" id="proxy_timeout"/> sets
a timeout used after proxying to one of the servers in the
<literal>backend</literal> group had started.
All TCP proxy-related functionality is configured inside the
<link doc="ngx_stream_module.xml" id="stream"/> block
just like the <link doc="../http/ngx_http_core_module.xml" id="http"/> block
for HTTP requests.

The <literal>backend</literal> group consists of three physical servers
Each server name follows the obligatory <literal>port</literal> number.
TCP connections are distributed among the servers according to the
<link doc="ngx_stream_upstream_module.xml" id="least_conn">least
connected</link> load balancing method: a connection will go to the server
that has the fewest active connections.
Directives required to configure a group of proxied servers
and load-balancing can be found in the
<link doc="ngx_stream_upstream_module.xml">ngx_stream_upstream_module</link>.


<section id="directives" name="Directives">

<directive name="listen">

Sets the <value>address</value> and <value>port</value> for the socket
on which the server will accept connections.
It is possible to specify just the port.
The address can also be a hostname, for example:
listen *:110;
listen 110;     # same as *:110
listen localhost:110;
IPv6 addresses are specified in square brackets:
listen [::1]:110;
listen [::]:110;
UNIX-domain sockets are specified with the “<literal>unix:</literal>”
listen unix:/var/run/nginx.sock;


The directive supports the following parameters:

<list type="tag">

<tag-name id="bind">
this parameter instructs to make a separate <c-func>bind</c-func>
call for a given address:port pair.
The fact is that if there are several <literal>listen</literal> directives with
the same port but different addresses, and one of the
<literal>listen</literal> directives listens on all addresses
for the given port (<literal>*:</literal><value>port</value>), nginx will
<c-func>bind</c-func> only to <literal>*:</literal><value>port</value>.
It should be noted that the <c-func>getsockname</c-func> system call will be
made in this case to determine the address that accepted the connection.
If the <literal>ipv6only</literal>
or <literal>so_keepalive</literal> parameters
are used then for a given
<value>address</value>:<value>port</value> pair
a separate <c-func>bind</c-func> call will always be made.

<tag-name id="ipv6only">
this parameter determines
(via the <c-def>IPV6_V6ONLY</c-def> socket option)
whether an IPv6 socket listening on a wildcard address <literal>[::]</literal>
will accept only IPv6 connections or both IPv6 and IPv4 connections.
This parameter is turned on by default.
It can only be set once on start.

<tag-name id="so_keepalive">
this parameter configures the “TCP keepalive” behavior
for the listening socket.
If this parameter is omitted then the operating system’s settings will be
in effect for the socket.
If it is set to the value “<literal>on</literal>”, the
<c-def>SO_KEEPALIVE</c-def> option is turned on for the socket.
If it is set to the value “<literal>off</literal>”, the
<c-def>SO_KEEPALIVE</c-def> option is turned off for the socket.
Some operating systems support setting of TCP keepalive parameters on
a per-socket basis using the <c-def>TCP_KEEPIDLE</c-def>,
<c-def>TCP_KEEPINTVL</c-def>, and <c-def>TCP_KEEPCNT</c-def> socket options.
On such systems (currently, Linux 2.4+, NetBSD 5+, and
FreeBSD 9.0-STABLE), they can be configured
using the <value>keepidle</value>, <value>keepintvl</value>, and
<value>keepcnt</value> parameters.
One or two parameters may be omitted, in which case the system default setting
for the corresponding socket option will be in effect.
For example,
will set the idle timeout (<c-def>TCP_KEEPIDLE</c-def>) to 30 minutes,
leave the probe interval (<c-def>TCP_KEEPINTVL</c-def>) at its system default,
and set the probes count (<c-def>TCP_KEEPCNT</c-def>) to 10 probes.

Different servers must listen on different
<value>address</value>:<value>port</value> pairs.


<directive name="proxy_connect_timeout">

Defines a timeout for establishing a connection with a proxied server.


<directive name="proxy_downstream_buffer">

Sets the <value>size</value> of the
buffers used for reading data from the client.


<directive name="proxy_pass">

Sets the address of a proxied server or a
<link doc="ngx_stream_upstream_module.xml">server group</link>.
The address can be specified as a domain name or IP address,
and an obligatory port.
If a domain name resolves to several addresses, all of them will be
used in a round-robin fashion.


<directive name="proxy_timeout">

Defines a timeout used after the proxying to the backend had started.


<directive name="proxy_upstream_buffer">

Sets the <value>size</value> of the
buffers used for reading data from the upstream server.


<directive name="server">
<syntax block="yes"/>

Sets the configuration for a server.


<directive name="stream">
<syntax block="yes"/>

Provides the configuration file context in which the stream server directives
are specified.


