view h2_proxy_request_buffering_ssl.t @ 938:d3ff66fc7f5c

Tests: reverted cb8438c28482. See ce94f07d5082 in nginx for details.
author Sergey Kandaurov <>
date Tue, 24 May 2016 17:55:05 +0300
parents 29aa547dd963
children d73bef563aea
line wrap: on
line source


# (C) Sergey Kandaurov
# (C) Nginx, Inc.

# Tests for HTTP/2 protocol with unbuffered request body to ssl backend.


use warnings;
use strict;

use Test::More;

use Socket qw/ CRLF /;

BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }

use lib 'lib';
use Test::Nginx;
use Test::Nginx::HTTP2 qw/ :DEFAULT :frame :io /;


select STDERR; $| = 1;
select STDOUT; $| = 1;

my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/http http_ssl http_v2 proxy/)

$t->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');


daemon off;

events {

http {

    server {
        listen http2;
        server_name  localhost;

        location / {
            proxy_request_buffering off;
            client_body_buffer_size 512;
        location /chunked {
            proxy_request_buffering off;
            proxy_http_version 1.1;
            client_body_buffer_size 512;

    server {
        listen ssl;
        server_name  localhost;

        ssl_certificate_key localhost.key;
        ssl_certificate localhost.crt;

        location / {
            proxy_request_buffering off;
            client_body_buffer_size 1k;
        location /chunked {
            proxy_request_buffering off;
            proxy_http_version 1.1;
            client_body_buffer_size 1k;


$t->write_file('openssl.conf', <<EOF);
[ req ]
default_bits = 2048
encrypt_key = no
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
[ req_distinguished_name ]

my $d = $t->testdir();

foreach my $name ('localhost') {
	system('openssl req -x509 -new '
		. "-config '$d/openssl.conf' -subj '/CN=$name/' "
		. "-out '$d/$name.crt' -keyout '$d/$name.key' "
		. ">>$d/openssl.out 2>&1") == 0
		or die "Can't create certificate for $name: $!\n";


my $f = get_body('/chunked');
plan(skip_all => 'no unbuffered request body') unless $f;



# unbuffered request body

$f = get_body('/', 'content-length' => 10);
ok($f->{headers}, 'request');
is($f->{upload}('01234', body_more => 1), '01234', 'part');
is($f->{upload}('56789'), '56789', 'part 2');
is($f->{http_end}(), 200, 'response');

$f = get_body('/', 'content-length' => 1536);
ok($f->{headers}, 'buffer');
is($f->{upload}('0123' x 128, body_more => 1), '0123' x 128, 'buffer - below');
is($f->{upload}('4567' x 128, body_more => 1), '4567' x 128, 'buffer - equal');
is($f->{upload}('89AB' x 128), '89AB' x 128, 'buffer - above');
is($f->{http_end}(), 200, 'buffer - response');

$f = get_body('/', 'content-length' => 18);
ok($f->{headers}, 'many');
is($f->{upload}('01234many', body_split => [ 5 ], body_more => 1),
	'01234many', 'many - part');
is($f->{upload}('56789many', body_split => [ 5 ]),
	'56789many', 'many - part 2');
is($f->{http_end}(), 200, 'many - response');

$f = get_body('/', 'content-length' => 0);
ok($f->{headers}, 'empty');
is($f->{upload}('', body_more => 1), '', 'empty - part');
is($f->{upload}(''), '', 'empty - part 2');
is($f->{http_end}(), 200, 'empty - response');

$f = get_body('/', 'content-length' => 10);
ok($f->{headers}, 'split');
is($f->{upload}('0123456789', split => [ 14 ]), '0123456789', 'split');
is($f->{http_end}(), 200, 'split - response');

# unbuffered request body, chunked transfer-encoding

$f = get_body('/chunked');
ok($f->{headers}, 'chunk');
is($f->{upload}('01234', body_more => 1), '5' . CRLF . '01234' . CRLF,
	'chunked - part');
is($f->{upload}('56789'), '5' . CRLF . '56789' . CRLF . '0' . CRLF . CRLF,
	'chunked - part 2');
is($f->{http_end}(), 200, 'chunked - response');

$f = get_body('/chunked');
ok($f->{headers}, 'chunked buffer');
is($f->{upload}('0123' x 64, body_more => 1),
	'100' . CRLF . '0123' x 64 . CRLF, 'chunked buffer - below');
is($f->{upload}('4567' x 64, body_more => 1),
	'100' . CRLF . '4567' x 64 . CRLF, 'chunked buffer - equal');
is($f->{upload}('89AB' x 64),
	'100' . CRLF . '89AB' x 64 . CRLF . '0' . CRLF . CRLF,
	'chunked buffer - above');
is($f->{http_end}(), 200, 'chunked buffer - response');

$f = get_body('/chunked');
ok($f->{headers}, 'chunked many');
is($f->{upload}('01234many', body_split => [ 5 ], body_more => 1),
	'9' . CRLF . '01234many' . CRLF, 'chunked many - part');
is($f->{upload}('56789many', body_split => [ 5 ]),
	'9' . CRLF . '56789many' . CRLF . '0' . CRLF . CRLF,
	'chunked many - part 2');
is($f->{http_end}(), 200, 'chunked many - response');

$f = get_body('/chunked');
ok($f->{headers}, 'chunked empty');
is($f->{upload}('', body_more => 1), '', 'chunked empty - part');
is($f->{upload}(''), '0' . CRLF . CRLF, 'chunked empty - part 2');
is($f->{http_end}(), 200, 'chunked empty - response');

$f = get_body('/chunked');
ok($f->{headers}, 'chunked split');
is($f->{upload}('0123456789', split => [ 14 ]),
	'5' . CRLF . '01234' . CRLF . '5' . CRLF . '56789' . CRLF .
	'0' . CRLF . CRLF, 'chunked split');
is($f->{http_end}(), 200, 'chunked split - response');


sub get_body {
	my ($url, %extra) = @_;
	my ($server, $client, $f);

	$server = IO::Socket::INET->new(
		Proto => 'tcp',
		LocalHost => '',
		LocalPort => 8081,
		Listen => 5,
		Timeout => 3,
		Reuse => 1
		or die "Can't create listening socket: $!\n";

	my $sess = new_session(8080);
	my $sid = exists $extra{'content-length'}
		? new_stream($sess, { headers => [
			{ name => ':method', value => 'GET' },
			{ name => ':scheme', value => 'http' },
			{ name => ':path', value => $url, },
			{ name => ':authority', value => 'localhost' },
			{ name => 'content-length',
				value => $extra{'content-length'} }],
			body_more => 1 })
		: new_stream($sess, { path => $url, body_more => 1 });

	$client = $server->accept() or return;

	log2c("(new connection $client)");

	$f->{headers} = raw_read($client, '', 1, \&log2i);

	my $chunked = $f->{headers} =~ /chunked/;

	my $body_read = sub {
		my ($s, $buf, $len) = @_;

		for (1 .. 10) {
			$buf = raw_read($s, $buf, length($buf) + 1, \&log2i)
				or return '';

			my $got = 0;
			$got += $chunked ? hex $_ : $_ for $chunked
				? $buf =~ /(\w+)\x0d\x0a?\w+\x0d\x0a?/g
				: length($buf);
			last if $got >= $len;

		return $buf;

	$f->{upload} = sub {
		my ($body, %extra) = @_;

		h2_body($sess, $body, { %extra });

		return $body_read->($client, '', length($body));
	$f->{http_end} = sub {
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: close



		my $frames = h2_read($sess, all => [{ sid => $sid, fin => 1 }]);
		my ($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "HEADERS" } @$frames;
		return $frame->{headers}->{':status'};
	return $f;

sub log2i { Test::Nginx::log_core('|| <<', @_); }
sub log2o { Test::Nginx::log_core('|| >>', @_); }
sub log2c { Test::Nginx::log_core('||', @_); }
