view referer.t @ 1983:c7315caf2110

Tests: optimized processing of large QUIC packets with padding. Path MTU discovery packets might contain a lot of padding, and creating a copy of the whole buffer for each PADDING frame, which is just one byte with type 0, consumes lots of resources. This was seen to result in flapping of at least h3_keepalive.t and h3_ssl_early_data.t tests. Fix is to copy at most 8 bytes for parse_int() calls when parsing frame types.
author Maxim Dounin <>
date Mon, 03 Jun 2024 04:17:28 +0300
parents 882267679006
line wrap: on
line source


# (C) Sergey Kandaurov

# Tests for referer module.


use warnings;
use strict;

use Test::More;

BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }

use lib 'lib';
use Test::Nginx;


select STDERR; $| = 1;
select STDOUT; $| = 1;

my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/http referer rewrite/)->plan(54);

$t->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');


daemon off;

events {

http {

    server {
        server_name  another;

        valid_referers server_names;
        return 200 "$host value $invalid_referer";

    server {
        server_name  _;

        location / {
            valid_referers server_names;
            return 200 "$host value $invalid_referer";
        server_name  below;

    server {
        server_name  localhost ~bar ~^anchoredre$;

        location /blocked {
            valid_referers blocked;
            return 200 "value $invalid_referer";
        location /none {
            valid_referers none;
            return 200 "value $invalid_referer";
        location /simple {
            return 200 "value $invalid_referer";
        location /regex {
            valid_referers ~(?-i);
            return 200 "value $invalid_referer";
        location /regex2 {
            return 200 "value $invalid_referer";
        location /regex3 {
            return 200 "value $invalid_referer";
        location /uri {
            return 200 "value $invalid_referer";
        location /sn {
            valid_referers server_names;
            return 200 "value $invalid_referer";
        location /sn_blocked {
            valid_referers blocked server_names;
            return 200 "value $invalid_referer";
        location /wc {
            valid_referers * * www.example.* example.*;
            return 200 "value $invalid_referer";
        location /long {
            valid_referers ~.*;
            return 200 "value $invalid_referer";
        location /wc2 {
            valid_referers www.example.*/uri;
            return 200 "value $invalid_referer";




ok(valid('/simple', ''), 'simple');
ok(valid('/simple', ''), 'simple uri');
ok(valid('/simple', '' . port(8080) . '/uri'),
	'simple port uri');
ok(!valid('/simple', 'localhost'), 'simple invalid');
ok(valid('/simple', ''), 'https');
ok(!valid('/simple', ''), 'no scheme');
ok(!valid('/simple'), 'no none');
ok(valid('/none'), 'none');
ok(!valid('/none', ''), 'none empty');

ok(valid('/blocked', ''), 'blocked');
ok(valid('/blocked', ''), 'blocked 2');
ok(valid('/blocked', 'http://su'), 'blocked short');
ok(valid('/blocked', 'foobar'), 'blocked short no scheme');
ok(valid('/blocked', ''), 'blocked empty');

ok(!valid('/simple', 'foobar'), 'small');
ok(valid('/simple', '' . 'a' x 256), 'long uri');
ok(!valid('/simple', 'http://www.example.' . 'a' x 256), 'long hostname');
ok(!valid('/wc', 'http://example.' . 'a' x 256), 'long hostname wildcard');

ok(valid('/long', 'http://' . 'a' x 255), 'long hostname 255');
ok(valid('/long', 'http://' . 'a' x 256), 'long hostname 256');
ok(!valid('/long', 'http://' . 'a' x 257), 'long hostname 257');

ok(valid('/uri', ''), 'uri');
ok(valid('/uri', ''), 'uri prefix');
ok(!valid('/uri', ''), 'uri case');
ok(valid('/uri', '' . port(8080) . '/urii'), 'uri port');
ok(!valid('/uri', ''), 'uri invalid len');
ok(!valid('/uri', ''), 'uri invalid cmp');

ok(valid('/regex', ''), 'regex');
ok(valid('/regex', ''), 'regex caseless');
ok(valid('/regex', ''), 'regex uri');
ok(!valid('/regex', ''), 'regex mismatch');
ok(!valid('/regex', ''), 'regex case mismatch');

ok(valid('/regex2', ''), 'regex 2 uri');
ok(!valid('/regex2', ''), 'regex 2 no uri');
ok(valid('/regex2', ''), 'regex 2 uri caseless');
ok(valid('/regex3', ''), 'regex https');

ok(valid('/sn', 'http://localhost'), 'server_names');
ok(valid('/sn', 'http://localHost'), 'server_names caseless');
ok(valid('/sn', 'http://localhost/uri'), 'server_names uri');
ok(valid('/sn', 'http://foobar'), 'server_names regex');
ok(valid('/sn', 'http://foobAr'), 'server_names regex caseless');
ok(valid('/sn', 'http://foobAr/uri'), 'server_names regex caseless uri');
ok(valid('/sn', 'http://anchoredre/uri'), 'server_names regex anchored');
ok(valid('/sn', 'http://foobar/uri'), 'server_names regex uri');
ok(!valid('/sn', 'localhost'), 'server_names no scheme');
ok(!valid('/sn', 'foobar'), 'server_names regex no scheme');
ok(valid('/sn_blocked', 'localhost'), 'server_names no scheme blocked');

ok(valid('/wc', ''), 'wildcard head');
ok(valid('/wc', ''), 'wildcard tail');
ok(valid('/wc2', ''), 'wildcard uri');
ok(valid('/wc2', ''), 'wildcard uri prefix');
ok(!valid('/wc2', ''), 'wildcard uri case');

ok(valid('/', 'http://another', 'another'), 'server context');

# server_name below valid_referers

ok(valid('/', 'http://below', 'below'), 'server below');


sub valid {
	my ($uri, $referer, $host) = @_;
	my $text;

	$host = 'localhost' unless defined $host;

	unless (defined $referer) {
		$text = http_get($uri);
	} else {
		$text = http(<<EOF);
GET $uri HTTP/1.0
Host: $host
Referer: $referer


	$text =~ /value 1/ && return 0;
	$text =~ /value/ && return 1;
	fail("no valid_referers in $uri");
