view mail_imap.t @ 1951:1867428f1673

Tests: fixed h3_limit_req.t spurious failures. In the "reset stream - cancellation" test, HTTP/3 stream is closed without sending the request body when the request is waiting in the limit_req module, and this results in error 444. However, when the request is received with some minor delay due to system load, it is not delayed by limit_req, and the stream is closed during reading the request body, which results in error 400 instead, breaking the test. Fix is to introduce yet another request before the "reset stream" test, so the stream in question is always delayed by limit_req.
author Maxim Dounin <>
date Thu, 14 Mar 2024 02:25:49 +0300
parents 2a0a6035a1af
children 81519d01f238
line wrap: on
line source


# (C) Maxim Dounin

# Tests for nginx mail imap module.


use warnings;
use strict;

use Test::More;

use MIME::Base64;
use Socket qw/ CRLF /;

BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }

use lib 'lib';
use Test::Nginx;
use Test::Nginx::IMAP;


select STDERR; $| = 1;
select STDOUT; $| = 1;

local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';

my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/mail imap http rewrite/)
	->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');


daemon off;

events {

mail {
    proxy_pass_error_message  on;
    proxy_timeout  15s;

    server {
        protocol   imap;
        imap_auth  plain cram-md5 external;

http {

    server {
        server_name  localhost;

        location = /mail/auth {
            set $reply ERROR;
            set $passw "";

            set $userpass "$http_auth_user:$http_auth_pass";
            if ($userpass = '') {
                set $reply OK;
            if ($userpass = 'te\\"\\"cret') {
                set $reply OK;

            set $userpass "$http_auth_user:$http_auth_salt:$http_auth_pass";
            if ($userpass ~ '^<.*@.*>:0{32}$') {
                set $reply OK;
                set $passw secret;

            set $userpass "$http_auth_method:$http_auth_user:$http_auth_pass";
            if ($userpass = '') {
                set $reply OK;
                set $passw secret;

            add_header Auth-Status $reply;
            add_header Auth-Server;
            add_header Auth-Port %%PORT_8144%%;
            add_header Auth-Pass $passw;
            add_header Auth-Wait 1;
            return 204;



$t->waitforsocket('' . port(8144));


# login

my $s = Test::Nginx::IMAP->new();

$s->send('a01 LOGIN');
$s->check(qr/^a01 BAD/, 'login without arguments');

$s->send('a02 LOGIN bad');
$s->check(qr/^a02 NO/, 'login with bad password');

$s->send('a03 LOGIN secret');

# auth

$s = Test::Nginx::IMAP->new();

$s->send('1 AUTHENTICATE');
$s->check(qr/^\S+ BAD/, 'auth without arguments');

# auth plain

$s->send('1 AUTHENTICATE PLAIN ' . encode_base64("\0test\\0bad", ''));
$s->check(qr/^\S+ NO/, 'auth plain with bad password');

$s->send('1 AUTHENTICATE PLAIN ' . encode_base64("\0test\\0secret", ''));
$s->ok('auth plain');

# auth login simple

$s = Test::Nginx::IMAP->new();

$s->check(qr/\+ VXNlcm5hbWU6/, 'auth login username challenge');

$s->send(encode_base64('', ''));
$s->check(qr/\+ UGFzc3dvcmQ6/, 'auth login password challenge');

$s->send(encode_base64('secret', ''));
$s->ok('auth login simple');

# auth login with username

$s = Test::Nginx::IMAP->new();

$s->send('1 AUTHENTICATE LOGIN ' . encode_base64('', ''));
$s->check(qr/\+ UGFzc3dvcmQ6/, 'auth login with username password challenge');

$s->send(encode_base64('secret', ''));
$s->ok('auth login with username');

# auth cram-md5

$s = Test::Nginx::IMAP->new();

$s->send('1 AUTHENTICATE CRAM-MD5');
$s->check(qr/\+ /, 'auth cram-md5 challenge');

$s->send(encode_base64(' ' . ('0' x 32), ''));
$s->ok('auth cram-md5');

# auth external

$s = Test::Nginx::IMAP->new();

$s->check(qr/\+ VXNlcm5hbWU6/, 'auth external challenge');

$s->send(encode_base64('', ''));
$s->ok('auth external');

# auth external with username

$s = Test::Nginx::IMAP->new();

$s->send('1 AUTHENTICATE EXTERNAL ' . encode_base64('', ''));
$s->ok('auth external with username');

# quoted strings

$s = Test::Nginx::IMAP->new();

$s->send('a01 LOGIN "te\\\\\"" "se\\\\\"cret"');
$s->ok('quoted strings');

# literals

$s = Test::Nginx::IMAP->new();

$s->send('a01 LOGIN {18}');
$s->check(qr/\+ /, 'login username literal continue');

$s->send('te\"' . ' {8}');
$s->check(qr/\+ /, 'login password literal continue');

$s->ok('login literals');

# non-synchronizing literals

$s = Test::Nginx::IMAP->new();

$s->send('a01 LOGIN {18+}' . CRLF
	. 'te\"' . ' {8+}' . CRLF
	. 'se\"cret');
$s->ok('login non-sync literals');

# backslash in quotes and literals

$s = Test::Nginx::IMAP->new();

$s->send('a01 LOGIN {18+}' . CRLF
	. 'te\"' . ' "se\\\\\"cret"');
$s->ok('backslash in literal');

# pipelining

$s = Test::Nginx::IMAP->new();

	. 'a02 NOOP');
$s->check(qr/^a01 BAD/, 'pipelined invalid command');
$s->ok('pipelined noop after invalid command');

$s->send('a03 FOOBAR {10+}' . CRLF
	. 'test test ' . CRLF
	. 'a04 NOOP');
$s->check(qr/^a03 BAD/, 'invalid with non-sync literal');
$s->check(qr/^(a04 |$)/, 'literal not command');

# skipped without a fix, since with level-triggered event methods
# this hogs cpu till the connection is closed by the backend server,
# and generates a lot of debug logs

$s = Test::Nginx::IMAP->new();

$s->send('a01 LOGIN secret' . CRLF
	. 'a02 LOGOUT');
$s->ok('pipelined login');
$s->ok('pipelined logout');
