diff js_fetch.t @ 1640:67adc5fd0548

Tests: added js tests for ngx.fetch() method.
author Dmitry Volyntsev <xeioex@nginx.com>
date Thu, 21 Jan 2021 18:19:37 +0000
children bdefe70ae1a7
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/js_fetch.t	Thu Jan 21 18:19:37 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+# (C) Dmitry Volyntsev
+# (C) Nginx, Inc.
+# Tests for http njs module, fetch method.
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Test::More;
+use Socket qw/ CRLF /;
+BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }
+use lib 'lib';
+use Test::Nginx;
+select STDERR; $| = 1;
+select STDOUT; $| = 1;
+eval { require JSON::PP; };
+plan(skip_all => "JSON::PP not installed") if $@;
+my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/http/)
+	->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');
+daemon off;
+events {
+http {
+    js_import test.js;
+    server {
+        listen;
+        server_name  localhost;
+        location /njs {
+            js_content test.njs;
+        }
+        location /broken {
+            js_content test.broken;
+        }
+        location /broken_response {
+            js_content test.broken_response;
+        }
+        location /body {
+            js_content test.body;
+        }
+        location /chain {
+            js_content test.chain;
+        }
+        location /chunked {
+            js_content test.chunked;
+        }
+        location /header {
+            js_content test.header;
+        }
+        location /multi {
+            js_content test.multi;
+        }
+        location /property {
+            js_content test.property;
+        }
+    }
+    server {
+        listen;
+        server_name  aaa;
+        location /loc {
+            js_content test.loc;
+        }
+        location /json { }
+    }
+    server {
+        listen;
+        server_name  bbb;
+        location /loc {
+            js_content test.loc;
+        }
+    }
+    server {
+        listen;
+        server_name  ccc;
+        location /loc {
+            js_content test.loc;
+        }
+    }
+my $p0 = port(8080);
+my $p1 = port(8081);
+my $p2 = port(8082);
+$t->write_file('json', '{"a":[1,2], "b":{"c":"FIELD"}}');
+$t->write_file('test.js', <<EOF);
+    function test_njs(r) {
+        r.return(200, njs.version);
+    }
+    function body(r) {
+        var loc = r.args.loc;
+        var getter = r.args.getter;
+        function query(obj) {
+            var path = r.args.path;
+            var retval = (getter == 'arrayBuffer') ? Buffer.from(obj).toString()
+                                                   : obj;
+            if (path) {
+                retval = path.split('.').reduce((a, v) => a[v], obj);
+            }
+            return JSON.stringify(retval);
+        }
+        ngx.fetch(`$p0/\${loc}`, {headers: {Host: 'aaa'}})
+        .then(reply => reply[getter]())
+        .then(data => r.return(200, query(data)))
+        .catch(e => r.return(501, e.message))
+    }
+    function property(r) {
+        var opts = {headers:{Host: 'aaa'}};
+        if (r.args.code) {
+            opts.headers.code = r.args.code;
+        }
+        var p = ngx.fetch('$p0/loc', opts)
+        if (r.args.readBody) {
+            p = p.then(rep =>
+                 rep.text().then(body => {rep.text = body; return rep;}))
+        }
+        p.then(reply => r.return(200, reply[r.args.pr]))
+        .catch(e => r.return(501, e.message))
+    }
+    function process_errors(r, tests) {
+        var results = [];
+        tests.forEach(args => {
+            ngx.fetch.apply(r, args)
+            .then(reply => {
+                r.return(400, '["unexpected then"]');
+            })
+            .catch(e => {
+                results.push(e.message);
+                if (results.length == tests.length) {
+                    results.sort();
+                    r.return(200, JSON.stringify(results));
+                }
+            })
+        })
+    }
+    function broken(r) {
+        var tests = [
+            [''],
+            [''],
+            [Symbol.toStringTag],
+            ['$p0/loc'],
+        ];
+        return process_errors(r, tests);
+    }
+    function broken_response(r) {
+        var tests = [
+            ['$p2/status_line'],
+            ['$p2/length'],
+            ['$p2/header'],
+            ['$p2/headers'],
+            ['$p2/content_length'],
+        ];
+        return process_errors(r, tests);
+    }
+    function chain(r) {
+        var results = [];
+        var reqs = [
+             ['$p0/loc', {headers: {Host:'aaa'}}],
+             ['$p0/loc', {headers: {Host:'bbb'}}],
+           ];
+           function next(reply) {
+              if (reqs.length == 0) {
+                 r.return(200, "SUCCESS");
+                 return;
+              }
+              ngx.fetch.apply(r, reqs.pop())
+              .then(next)
+              .catch(e => r.return(400, e.message))
+           }
+           next();
+    }
+    function chunked(r) {
+        var results = [];
+        var tests = [
+            ['$p2/big', {max_response_body_size:128000}],
+            ['$p2/big/ok', {max_response_body_size:128000}],
+            ['$p2/chunked'],
+            ['$p2/chunked/ok'],
+            ['$p2/chunked/big', {max_response_body_size:128}],
+            ['$p2/chunked/big'],
+        ];
+        function collect(v) {
+            results.push(v);
+            if (results.length == tests.length) {
+                results.sort();
+                r.return(200, JSON.stringify(results));
+            }
+        }
+        tests.forEach(args => {
+            ngx.fetch.apply(r, args)
+            .then(reply => reply.text())
+            .then(body => collect(body.length))
+            .catch(e => collect(e.message))
+        })
+    }
+    function header(r) {
+        var url = `$p2/\${r.args.loc}`;
+        var method = r.args.method ? r.args.method : 'get';
+        var p = ngx.fetch(url)
+        if (r.args.readBody) {
+            p = p.then(rep =>
+                 rep.text().then(body => {rep.text = body; return rep;}))
+        }
+        p.then(reply => {
+            var h = reply.headers[method](r.args.h);
+            r.return(200, njs.dump(h));
+        })
+        .catch(e => r.return(501, e.message))
+    }
+    function multi(r) {
+        var results = [];
+        var tests = [
+             [
+              '$p0/loc',
+               { headers: {Code: 201, Host: 'aaa'}},
+             ],
+             [
+              '$p0/loc',
+               { method:'POST', headers: {Code: 401, Host: 'bbb'}, body: 'OK'},
+             ],
+             [
+              '$p1/loc',
+               { method:'PATCH',
+                 headers: {foo:undefined, bar:'xxx', Host: 'ccc'}},
+             ],
+           ];
+        function cmp(a,b) {
+            if (a.b > b.b) {return 1;}
+            if (a.b < b.b) {return -1;}
+            return 0
+        }
+        tests.forEach(args => {
+            ngx.fetch.apply(r, args)
+            .then(rep =>
+                 rep.text().then(body => {rep.text = body; return rep;}))
+            .then(rep => {
+                results.push({b:rep.text,
+                              c:rep.status,
+                              u:rep.url});
+                if (results.length == tests.length) {
+                    results.sort(cmp);
+                    r.return(200, JSON.stringify(results));
+                }
+            })
+            .catch(e => {
+                r.return(400, `["\${e.message}"]`);
+                throw e;
+            })
+        })
+        if (r.args.throw) {
+            throw 'Oops';
+        }
+    }
+    function str(v) { return v ? v : ''};
+    function loc(r) {
+        var v = r.variables;
+        var body = str(r.requestText);
+        var foo = str(r.headersIn.foo);
+        var bar = str(r.headersIn.bar);
+        var c = r.headersIn.code ? Number(r.headersIn.code) : 200;
+        r.return(c, `\${v.host}:\${v.request_method}:\${foo}:\${bar}:\${body}`);
+    }
+     export default {njs: test_njs, body, broken, broken_response,
+                     chain, chunked, header, multi, loc, property};
+$t->try_run('no njs.fetch')->plan(27);
+$t->run_daemon(\&http_daemon, port(8082));
+$t->waitforsocket('' . port(8082));
+local $TODO = 'not yet'
+	unless http_get('/njs') =~ /^([.0-9]+)$/m && $1 ge '0.5.1';
+like(http_get('/body?getter=arrayBuffer&loc=loc'), qr/200 OK.*"aaa:GET:::"$/s,
+	'fetch body arrayBuffer');
+like(http_get('/body?getter=text&loc=loc'), qr/200 OK.*"aaa:GET:::"$/s,
+	'fetch body text');
+	qr/200 OK.*"FIELD"$/s, 'fetch body json');
+like(http_get('/body?getter=json&loc=loc'), qr/501/s,
+	'fetch body json invalid');
+like(http_get('/property?pr=bodyUsed'), qr/false$/s,
+	'fetch bodyUsed false');
+like(http_get('/property?pr=bodyUsed&readBody=1'), qr/true$/s,
+	'fetch bodyUsed true');
+like(http_get('/property?pr=ok'), qr/200 OK.*true$/s,
+	'fetch ok true');
+like(http_get('/property?pr=ok&code=401'), qr/200 OK.*false$/s,
+	'fetch ok false');
+like(http_get('/property?pr=redirected'), qr/200 OK.*false$/s,
+	'fetch redirected false');
+like(http_get('/property?pr=statusText'), qr/200 OK.*OK$/s,
+	'fetch statusText OK');
+like(http_get('/property?pr=statusText&code=403'), qr/200 OK.*Forbidden$/s,
+	'fetch statusText Forbidden');
+like(http_get('/property?pr=type'), qr/200 OK.*basic$/s,
+	'fetch type');
+like(http_get('/header?loc=duplicate_header&h=BAR'), qr/200 OK.*c$/s,
+	'fetch header');
+like(http_get('/header?loc=duplicate_header&h=BARR'), qr/200 OK.*null$/s,
+	'fetch no header');
+like(http_get('/header?loc=duplicate_header&h=foo'), qr/200 OK.*a,b$/s,
+	'fetch header duplicate');
+	qr/200 OK.*\['c']$/s, 'fetch getAll header');
+	qr/200 OK.*\[]$/s, 'fetch getAll no header');
+	qr/200 OK.*\['a','b']$/s, 'fetch getAll duplicate');
+	qr/200 OK.*true$/s, 'fetch header has');
+	qr/200 OK.*false$/s, 'fetch header does not have');
+like(http_get('/header?loc=chunked/big&h=BAR&readBody=1'), qr/200 OK.*xxx$/s,
+	'fetch chunked header');
+	'[{"b":"aaa:GET:::","c":201,"u":"'.$p0.'/loc"},' .
+	'{"b":"bbb:POST:::OK","c":401,"u":"'.$p0.'/loc"},' .
+	'{"b":"ccc:PATCH::xxx:","c":200,"u":"'.$p1.'/loc"}]',
+	'fetch multi');
+like(http_get('/multi?throw=1'), qr/500/s, 'fetch destructor');
+	'[' .
+	'"connect failed",' .
+	'"failed to convert url arg",' .
+	'"invalid url",' .
+	'"unsupported URL prefix"]', 'fetch broken');
+	'["invalid fetch content length",' .
+	'"invalid fetch header",' .
+	'"invalid fetch status line",' .
+	'"prematurely closed connection",' .
+	'"prematurely closed connection"]', 'fetch broken response');
+	'[10,100010,25500,' .
+	'"invalid fetch chunked response",' .
+	'"prematurely closed connection",' .
+	'"very large fetch chunked response"]', 'fetch chunked');
+like(http_get('/chain'), qr/200 OK.*SUCCESS$/s, 'fetch chain');
+sub recode {
+	my $json;
+	eval { $json = JSON::PP::decode_json(shift) };
+	if ($@) {
+		return "<failed to parse JSON>";
+	}
+	JSON::PP->new()->canonical()->encode($json);
+sub get_json {
+	http_get(shift) =~ /\x0d\x0a?\x0d\x0a?(.*)/ms;
+	recode($1);
+sub http_daemon {
+	my $port = shift;
+	my $server = IO::Socket::INET->new(
+		Proto => 'tcp',
+		LocalAddr => '' . $port,
+		Listen => 5,
+		Reuse => 1
+	) or die "Can't create listening socket: $!\n";
+	local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
+	while (my $client = $server->accept()) {
+		$client->autoflush(1);
+		my $headers = '';
+		my $uri = '';
+		while (<$client>) {
+			$headers .= $_;
+			last if (/^\x0d?\x0a?$/);
+		}
+		$uri = $1 if $headers =~ /^\S+\s+([^ ]+)\s+HTTP/i;
+		if ($uri eq '/status_line') {
+			print $client
+				"HTTP/1.1 2A";
+		} elsif ($uri eq '/content_length') {
+			print $client
+				"HTTP/1.1 200 OK" . CRLF .
+				"Content-Length: " . CRLF .
+				"Connection: close" . CRLF .
+				CRLF;
+		} elsif ($uri eq '/header') {
+			print $client
+				"HTTP/1.1 200 OK" . CRLF .
+				"@#" . CRLF .
+				"Connection: close" . CRLF .
+				CRLF;
+		} elsif ($uri eq '/duplicate_header') {
+			print $client
+				"HTTP/1.1 200 OK" . CRLF .
+				"Foo: a" . CRLF .
+				"bar: c" . CRLF .
+				"Foo: b" . CRLF .
+				"Connection: close" . CRLF .
+				CRLF;
+		} elsif ($uri eq '/headers') {
+			print $client
+				"HTTP/1.1 200 OK" . CRLF .
+				"Connection: close" . CRLF;
+		} elsif ($uri eq '/length') {
+			print $client
+				"HTTP/1.1 200 OK" . CRLF .
+				"Content-Length: 100" . CRLF .
+				"Connection: close" . CRLF .
+				CRLF .
+				"unfinished" . CRLF;
+		} elsif ($uri eq '/big') {
+			print $client
+				"HTTP/1.1 200 OK" . CRLF .
+				"Content-Length: 100100" . CRLF .
+				"Connection: close" . CRLF .
+				CRLF;
+			for (1 .. 1000) {
+				print $client ("X" x 98) . CRLF;
+			}
+			print $client "unfinished" . CRLF;
+		} elsif ($uri eq '/big/ok') {
+			print $client
+				"HTTP/1.1 200 OK" . CRLF .
+				"Content-Length: 100010" . CRLF .
+				"Connection: close" . CRLF .
+				CRLF;
+			for (1 .. 1000) {
+				print $client ("X" x 98) . CRLF;
+			}
+			print $client "finished" . CRLF;
+		} elsif ($uri eq '/chunked') {
+			print $client
+				"HTTP/1.1 200 OK" . CRLF .
+				"Transfer-Encoding: chunked" . CRLF .
+				"Connection: close" . CRLF .
+				CRLF .
+				"ff" . CRLF .
+				"unfinished" . CRLF;
+		} elsif ($uri eq '/chunked/ok') {
+			print $client
+				"HTTP/1.1 200 OK" . CRLF .
+				"Transfer-Encoding: chunked" . CRLF .
+				"Connection: close" . CRLF .
+				CRLF .
+				"a" . CRLF .
+				"finished" . CRLF .
+				CRLF . "0" . CRLF . CRLF;
+		} elsif ($uri eq '/chunked/big') {
+			print $client
+				"HTTP/1.1 200 OK" . CRLF .
+				"Transfer-Encoding: chunked" . CRLF .
+				"Bar: xxx" . CRLF .
+				"Connection: close" . CRLF .
+				CRLF;
+			for (1 .. 100) {
+				print $client "ff" . CRLF . ("X" x 255) . CRLF;
+			}
+		    print $client  "0" . CRLF . CRLF;
+		}
+	}